[Web-SIG] Just reading about WSGI-Lite

Joshua J. Kugler joshua at azariah.com
Tue Aug 9 02:14:56 CEST 2011

I've been reading the articles on dirtsimple.org about WSGI-Lite, and am 
really excited about what I'm reading.  I got to the "Where All This is 
Going" section of "WSGI, Web Frameworks, and Requests: Explicit or 
Implicit" and it really clicked.

Being able to specify a decorator that would tell the "framework" (i.e. 
WSGI-Lite) where to get its parameters opens all kinds of 
possibilities, while moving sections of "controller" code into smaller, 
more-easily-testable, units of code.  It also makes things more 
explicit, while not adding a lot of complexity or boilerplate.

I look forward to seeing how this develops, and if I can, contribute to 
the process!


Joshua J. Kugler - Fairbanks, Alaska
Azariah Enterprises - Programming and Website Design
joshua at azariah.com - Jabber: pedahzur at gmail.com
PGP Key: http://pgp.mit.edu/  ID 0x73B13B6A

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