[Web-SIG] Alternative to threading.local, based on the stack

Ian Bicking ianb at colorstudy.com
Mon Jul 7 19:54:28 CEST 2008

Manlio Perillo wrote:
> Ian Bicking ha scritto:
>> Manlio Perillo wrote:
> I'm adding web-sig in Cc.
>>  [...]
>>> I'm developing a WSGI framework with all these (and other) ideas:
>>> http://hg.mperillo.ath.cx/wsgix
>>> Its still not documented, so I have not yet made an official 
>>> announcement.
>>> The main design goal is to keep the level of the interface as low 
>>> level as possible.
>>> I don't like additional interfaces (like Request and Response) 
>>> objects around the WSGI dictionary, and I don't like frameworks like 
>>> Django that completely hides the WSGI interface.
>> Have you tried webob?  My first run as Paste avoided wrappers around 
>> those objects, but an object interface has been very helpful.
> I have not tried it, but I have read the code (as I have read the code 
> of Paste).
> In principle I'm against using additional interface, and one of the 
> reason I wrote wsgix is to have a prof of concept, for trying to 
> understand if it is feasible to write a WSGI application using an 
> alternative framework.
> wsgix (+ mod_wsgi for Nginx) has the same role as Paste, but I have 
> decided to use a rather different approach.
> As an example, in Paste you have choosed to using config dictionary for 
> middleware configuration, that is, you have middleware factories.

I think this is a red herring.  WebOb specifically doesn't do anything 
related to configuration or the setup of the stack.  What it does do is 
stuff like:

expires = http.format_time(0)
     environ, headers, name, '', expires=expires,
     domain=cookie_domain(environ), path=path,

which would be resp.delete_cookie(name) (well, cookie_domain seems to be 
derived from a setting, but that's mostly unrelated).  This isn't a 
particularly substantial difference, but these small conveniences add up.

Ian Bicking : ianb at colorstudy.com : http://blog.ianbicking.org

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