[Web-SIG] Async API - example of my implementation

Peter Hunt floydophone at gmail.com
Sat Oct 16 04:16:11 CEST 2004

I'm working on getting subversion running again, but for now, take a
look at how I write my Twisted WSGI async apps.

def blocking_call():
    d = defer.Deferred()
    reactor.callLater(2, d.callback, None)
    return d

def phase2(result, environ):
    environ["thetime"] = time.time()

def blocking_async_app(environ, start_response):
    write = start_response("200 OK", [("Content-type","text/plain")])
    yield "the time right now is " + `time.time()` + "\n"
    blocking_call().addCallback(phase2, environ)
    yield ""
    yield "the time now is " + `environ["thetime"]`

Is this acceptible?

Basically, when in the special async mode, the gateway iterates over
the application iterator until it hits a "". It then lets the app do
its thing until environ["twisted.wsgi.resume"]() is called, at which
point it repeats this process until StopIteration.

What do you think?

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