[Web-SIG] WSGI Utils & SCGI/Quixote.

Ian Bicking ianb at colorstudy.com
Wed Dec 1 02:42:05 CET 2004

Colin Stewart wrote:
> (I've subscribed to the list so we can continue discussion purely on-list)
>>>The only real problem in getting this to work was that wsgiServer.py
>>>expected *every* URL under /demo to be registered to demo_obj.  I
>>>changed the wsgiServer.py code to allow for partial matches & munged
>>>the SCRIPT_NAME and PATH_INFO variables appropriately.  I also added
>>>REQUEST_URI because Quixote uses it for a few things; this should
>>>probably be moved into QWIP.
>>I think I'm going to have to call that point out in the PEP 
>>somewhere.  Technically, the PEP requires that SCRIPT_NAME and PATH_INFO be 
>>set, but I think perhaps some folks have missed the implications of that 
>>for the URL path space.
> The clarification is good - it certainly wasn't clear to me the first 
> time I read it!
> A quick question about the SCRIPT_NAME: If an application registers for 
> the path '/testapp/' should SCRIPT_NAME be set to '/testapp', 
> '/testapp/', or even 'testapp'?.  I've implemented the first one in my 
> latest version of wsgiServer, but I want to make sure that's correct.

Because PATH_INFO must either be empty or start with a /, SCRIPT_NAME 
should be "/testapp" (no trailing /).  If the script registers for the 
root (i.e., all URLs), SCRIPT_NAME should be "", and PATH_INFO contains 
the entire URL.

Ian Bicking  /  ianb at colorstudy.com  / http://blog.ianbicking.org

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