[Web-SIG] htmlgen

David Fraser davidf at sjsoft.com
Thu Oct 30 12:20:37 EST 2003

Gregory (Grisha) Trubetskoy wrote:

>On Thu, 30 Oct 2003, Ian Bicking wrote:
>>substitution (i.e., it always fills from locals()).  Guido just
>>mentioned recently on python-dev that he didn't want to improve %
>>(specifically a request that "%{var}" be equivalent to "%(var)s")
>>because he wanted to leave room for a better solution.  What better
>>solution?  I don't know... I think it has to be something both elegant
>>and useful, minimal and flexible.
>This is along the lines of what I think. Another thing with %() is that if
>the dictionary doesn't have a corresponding value you get key error as
>opposed to leaving it as is or defaulting to nothing.
>I might actually take the time to put something together, then we can
>ponder on whether it's worth including.
I'm not sure about how useful this kind of variable substitution would 
be for html ... any examples?


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