[Tutor] strange recursion result

Tesla Coil tescoil@irtc.net
Mon, 08 Jan 2001 16:20:39 -0600

On 8 Jan 2001, Kalle Svensson wrote:
> Which version of Python are you using?  If you are using 2.0
> (the latest), try sys.setrecursionlimit().  It is documented on
> http://www.python.org/doc/current/lib/module-sys.html

"The highest possible limit is platform-dependent.  A user
may need to set the limit higher when she has a program
that requires deep recursion and a platform that supports
a higher limit. This should be done with care, because a
too-high limit can lead to a crash."

Okay, how to determine the limit for your platform
without a stress test? (fun tho' that may be...)