[TriPython] Cloud hosting of Python projects

Tom Barron tpb at dyncloud.net
Sat Jul 18 00:10:45 CEST 2015

On 7/17/15 6:06 PM, Neal Caidin wrote:
>    Hi TriPythoners,
>    I don't code for my full time job, but I've used Python for some useful
>    utility and reporting scripts. I'm interested in learning more, and I
>    think it would be fun to play with a cloud environment to develop and host
>    Python on. That way if I manage to create anything useful, it's not
>    "locked" on my laptop.
>    I've looked at Openshift, Amazon, and heard of Heroku.  For someone who
>    does this just as a very part time/ on the side kind of thing, it seems
>    like any of these environments take some getting used to and learning to
>    set up, etc. 
>    Which environment is the easiest to set up and get started?
>    Which has the best features for longer term management?
>    Do they all support databases fairly well?
>    What databases am I likely to be interested in, if I get more serious
>    about Python development (I realize this is a very broad question)?
>    Are there other environments I should be looking at?
>    Am I thinking about this whole thing all wrong? ;-)
>    Thanks,
>    Neal Caidin


I'm not sure exactly what you want, but you might want to try:



-- Tom Barron

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