[TriPython] Cloud hosting of Python projects

Neal Caidin ncaidin at gmail.com
Sat Jul 18 00:06:14 CEST 2015

Hi TriPythoners,

I don't code for my full time job, but I've used Python for some useful
utility and reporting scripts. I'm interested in learning more, and I think
it would be fun to play with a cloud environment to develop and host Python
on. That way if I manage to create anything useful, it's not "locked" on my

I've looked at Openshift, Amazon, and heard of Heroku.  For someone who
does this just as a very part time/ on the side kind of thing, it seems
like any of these environments take some getting used to and learning to
set up, etc.

Which environment is the easiest to set up and get started?
Which has the best features for longer term management?
Do they all support databases fairly well?
What databases am I likely to be interested in, if I get more serious about
Python development (I realize this is a very broad question)?

Are there other environments I should be looking at?
Am I thinking about this whole thing all wrong? ;-)

Neal Caidin
-------------- next part --------------
   Hi TriPythoners,
   I don't code for my full time job, but I've used Python for some useful
   utility and reporting scripts. I'm interested in learning more, and I
   think it would be fun to play with a cloud environment to develop and host
   Python on. That way if I manage to create anything useful, it's not
   "locked" on my laptop.
   I've looked at Openshift, Amazon, and heard of Heroku.  For someone who
   does this just as a very part time/ on the side kind of thing, it seems
   like any of these environments take some getting used to and learning to
   set up, etc. 
   Which environment is the easiest to set up and get started?
   Which has the best features for longer term management?
   Do they all support databases fairly well?
   What databases am I likely to be interested in, if I get more serious
   about Python development (I realize this is a very broad question)?
   Are there other environments I should be looking at?
   Am I thinking about this whole thing all wrong? ;-)
   Neal Caidin

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