[TriZPUG] TangeloHub Talk on December 18th

Patrick Reynolds patrick.reynolds at kitware.com
Wed Nov 19 23:37:57 CET 2014

Hi folks,

I wanted to send out an announcement that I'll be giving a talk at the
December 18th meeting about some open source tools written in Python, R,
and Javascript (mostly Python) for building applications for visualization,
storage, and processing data on the web.

The tools are collectively known as TangeloHub and are made up of Tangelo
(web-based visualization), Girder (users authentication and data
management), and Romanesco (execution of Python and R code over the web).
We're actively looking the expand the community around these tools, and I
hope you'll here more about them. Here's an introductory video:

<food-bribe>There will be Pizza.</food-bribe>

Meetup event link: http://www.meetup.com/tripython/events/218650655/

Patrick Reynolds
Technical Leader
Kitware, Inc.
919 869 8848
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