[TriZPUG] pyspread: python is the grid

Tom Roche Tom_Roche at pobox.com
Sat Mar 13 16:30:08 CET 2010

Anyone played with this? Seems like a great idea (famous last words :-)

> Not too long ago, I wrote a small decision support system for
> engineers in a spreadsheet application that we all know too well.
> Because the calculations should be transparent, everything was
> realized with the in-cell functions. It works now. However, the
> length and complexity of the cell commands keep the application
> pretty opaque.

> Therefore, I looked for a spreadsheet with more powerful functions
> and data structures that are accessible inside each cell. Something
> like Python that empowers you to do things quickly. And yes, it
> should be free and it should run on Linux as well as on Windows.

> Instead of spreadsheet formulas, Python expressions are entered into
> the spreadsheet cells. Each expression returns a Python object that
> can be accessed from other cells. These objects can represent
> anything including lists or matrices.
> Since Python modules can be easily used without external scripts,

> * arbitrary size rational numbers (via gmpy),

> * fixed point decimal numbers for business calculations, (via the
>   decimal module from the standard library) and

> * advanced statistics including plotting functions (via RPy)

and apparently all the numpy/scipy funstuff

> can be used in the spreadsheet. Everything is directly available
> from each cell

with absolute addressing == slicing and relative addressing via the
"magic variables X (row), Y (column) and Z (table)."

FWIW, Tom Roche <Tom_Roche at pobox.com>

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