[Spambayes] Message an exception to Spambayes and therefore invisible?

Mike Bagby BagbyM at Cox.net
Sun Apr 25 23:06:23 CEST 2010

  Example forwarded as an attachment.

  The filter assigns it as an exception, passes it to my regular mail box, 
and does not ever show it in the trainer page to be discarded, deferred, or 
spam marked.  I got five of these beginning today.
  I continue to use version 0.4 (?) and have it set to send "spam" to my 
delete folder (where I grab and forward it to my ISP's filter).  I still get 
a few "unsure" ones.  I see the newer version of SpamBayes does not allow me 
to do that.
  I expect to install a newer version over "0.4".  Per the tray icon, right 
click, check for newer version - but the add/remove programs says its 
1.0a9(0.9).  I will wait until after 1.1a6 is in the field a little longer. 
I am not sure whether I even still have Python installed.  I think I 
add/removed programs some time back to clear out things I didn't use - and 
Python no longer appears in my installed list.  There are indications on the 
website that Python is a prerequisite.  That does not appear as a 
requirement in the FAQ 4.21 to set up SpamBayes and Outlook Express.
  I'm WIN-XP Pro, Outlook Express, through the SpamBayes proxy.

  FYI - I have so few false positives that I simply discard my ham and train 
on spam.
- Mike

-------In the header--------------------------
X-Spambayes-Exception: Traceback (most recent call last):
 .  File "sb_server.pyc", line 446, in onRetr
 .  File "spambayes\message.pyc", line 243, in setPayload
 .  File "email\Parser.pyc", line 245, in _parsebody
 .BoundaryError: multipart message with no defined boundary 
-------------- next part --------------
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From: <afireinsideofalldqxue at yahoo.com>
Subject: Check our Medicationss line up and choose whats best
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 04:06:39 +0900
Size: 1784
URL: <http://mail.python.org/pipermail/spambayes/attachments/20100425/0ea83102/attachment.eml>

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