[Spambayes] help!! im on the spam list

Zoltan Gal zoltan.gal at aupaironline.co.uk
Sat Feb 7 20:11:18 CET 2009

Hi Gurus.

   A couple of our company customer told - they didnt got our emails,.
others wrote a messages its delivered to the spam, or junk mail folder, or
returned from a spam filter with a warning... ,

 - my company emailaddresses on the  *Bayesian* spam filter black list.

     ---- ---------------------- ------------------------------
       -1.5 SPF_PASS               SPF: sender matches SPF record
       0.0 HS_INDEX_PARAM         URI: Link contains a common tracker
       0.2 HTML_MESSAGE           BODY: HTML included in message
     *  0.0 BAYES_50               BODY: Bayesian spam probability is 40 to
       [score: 0.5000]*
       0.1 RDNS_NONE              Delivered to trusted network by a host
with no rDNS
       -0.0 AWL                    AWL: From: address is in the auto

How it is possible the remove from there?

We did not sent any spam email to anyone , whom not authoirized us to send
emails to them.

So, we need soem help from experts.

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disclaimer:  I sent this email, only for ask a help, and get answer. I got
the emailaddress from this website:


If no answer i not will re-sending, and not will use as commercial ways.
Please begging to everyone , do not send any unproffessional messages,
spams, junk emails to us.

Aupair Online

Thank you :)

 Zoltan Gal ( Mr )

zoltan.gal at aupaironline.co.uk
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