[Spambayes] SpamBayes possible bug

Matthias Loose matthois at compuserve.de
Fri Jun 9 00:03:15 CEST 2006


I use SpamBayes 1.0.4 with Outlook under XP and like the software very much.
For safety reasons I work as a restricted user.
Some days ago, SpamBayes failed to work (after a configuration change with
admin rights) and I tried very hard to fix this. I don´t want to tell the
whole story (it´s very long:-).
Finally, I think I found the reason.
Whenever I use Outlook as an admin, SpamBayes generates its logfile
apparently in such a way that a restricted user can´t write to this file
So, if I start from scratch for example, the logfile #1 won´t be able to be
renamed later as #2 (if this attempt will be done as a restricted user
then). The consequence: SpamBayes will be visible inside Outlook, but not
I didn´t get any hint about this from the TShooter text, I learned this by
trial and error.
My workaround: after any administration concerning Outlook, I will delete
all SpamBayes logfiles. This seems to work, at least it looks quite logical
to me:-)
Perhaps it would be possible to put this into the TShooting text?

Regards, Matthias Loose

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