[Spambayes] does not work with all accounts

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Mon May 9 08:37:25 CEST 2005

> Just set up spambayes. It works fine with Earthlink, but
> not with another account I have with magalinc.org. When
> I change the incoming server to localhost, (or the
> machine's name) it keeps asking me for a password and user
> name. It does not do this with Earthlink.

If you're using two POP3 servers, each will need to run on a separate port
on your local machine.  This is setup in SpamBayes by entering in the
addresses of the servers in the "Remote Servers" option (e.g.
"pop.earthlink.net,pop.magalinc.org") and the local port numbers in the
"Local Ports" option (e.g. "110,110").  I suspect you've managed to do this

Then, in the mail program (e.g. Eudora, Thunderbird, Outlook Express) that
you're using, you'll need to specify the port (e.g. 110) for the second
connection (the mail program will default to 110, which will work for the
first one).  For example, in Outlook Express this is on the Advanced tab.

The mail program might ask for the username/password once more, but should
then work.


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http://www.massey.ac.nz/~tameyer/writing/reply_all.html explains this. 

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