[Spambayes] RE: Memory error/segmentation fault

Ken Gordon ksg at telusplanet.net
Thu Jan 13 23:17:18 CET 2005

--On 2005 January 14 10:15:46 +1300 Tony Meyer <tameyer at ihug.co.nz> wrote:

>> Running SB1.0.1 on Mac OSx (10.3.7), I get a Segmentation Fault from
>> sb_imapfilter -t -v and a Memory Error from sb_imapfilter -c
>> -v . The log for the former produced nothing unusual - just a list of
>> Fetches (using -i4) and then nothing. The (sanitized) log from the
>> latter is attached, generated with sb_imapfilter -c -v -i4
> Do you have a *really* large message (it seems to be asking for 4GB of
> memory, but that message wouldn't necessarily be that large) in a folder
> that both -c and -t are looking in?  If so, moving that message elsewhere
> should be a workaround for the issue.
> Longer term, I'm not sure what to do.  There was discussion that I believe
> was related to this on python-dev recently, and I had hoped that they
> would come up with something that would fix it for us.  That doesn't seem
> to be the case, though, unfortunately.  Maybe patching imaplib would help
> - I'll try that for 1.0.2 and 1.1, anyway, and see if the reports stop.
> =Tony.Meyer

Thanks. I didn't have anything *really* large but I removed a few messages, 
starting with the largest, until things started working again. 
Unfortunately, I was not methodical enough to keep a record that would 
narrow down the offending message, so even if having it would help I can't 
supply it with any certainty.

Thanks for the help.

Ken Gordon

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