[Spambayes] www.theusmat.com New Emag Blog, News, Expose,

Seth Goodman sethg at GoodmanAssociates.com
Mon May 17 18:11:17 EDT 2004

I am a resident of Wisconsin.  Unless you want to get yourself into real
legal trouble, I would avoid spamming residents of this State.  It really
doesn't matter what you are trying to promote and whether or not you
consider it ethical.  If it is unsolicited, it is spam, and people who live
here will go after you for that reason alone.  I suggest that you find a
more responsible way to promote your company.

A little common sense would also be in order.  You have just publicly
announced to a list of several thousand active anti-spam individuals and
organizations that you are a spammer and have threatened to sue them.  What
do you think that does to your prospects of ever selling anything to any of


Seth Goodman

  -----Original Message-----
  From: spambayes-bounces+sethg=goodmanassociates.com at python.org
[mailto:spambayes-bounces+sethg=goodmanassociates.com at python.org]On Behalf
Of Lee J. Keslin
  Sent: Monday, May 17, 2004 4:03 AM
  To: spambayes at python.org
  Subject: [Spambayes] www.theusmat.com New Emag Blog, News, Expose,

  Notice To The Publishers of The Python anti spam website (Spambayes) which
posted an anti spam notice to Search Engines about the website TheUSMat

  I am Lee J Keslin, the publisher of The US Mat, I do not have or own a
email list or the facilities to do a mass mailing . I used an outsourcing to
do a one time targeted  promotion of my website to the states of Wisconsin,
and Illinois, which the out source did not do.To my chagrin the outsource
sent a mailing out world wide and very little to the US.

  However the content of the material sent out should be very clear to the
recipient that it was an invitation to that area to view my website, which
merchandizes nothing, no porn, no pills,no phoney pleas for money, contains
no cookies, or virus (unless the outsource inserted them in which I doubt
all he was was some poor smuck who thought he obtained a good mailing list
and was trying to make a buck) and contains proper language.    But instead
offers comment which one may or may not agree with. And the latter is the
basis I believe is the basis for complaints by some to disparage, and
discredit,  implying a faudulent activity designed to prevent this websites

  Unless your posting is not immediately removed

  Further legal action is under active consideration
  Very Truly
  Publisher TheUSMat

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