[Spambayes] www.theusmat.com New Emag Blog, News, Expose,

Tim Peters tim.one at comcast.net
Mon May 17 14:08:28 EDT 2004

[Lee J. Keslin]
> Notice To The Publishers of The Python anti spam website (Spambayes)

spambayes.sourceforge.net is hosted by SourceForge, but we're responsible
for its content.

> which posted an anti spam notice to Search Engines about the website 
> TheUSMat

Sorry, I don't know what that means.  You can download a spam filter from
the SpamBayes web site, but that's all.  We're not a spam reporting service,
and don't post anything about spam (or about anything else) to anyone
("Search Engines" or otherwise).

It's possible that a spambayes user who received your mailing complained
about it -- and, based on what you say next, it does sound like spam to me.

> I am Lee J Keslin, the publisher of The US Mat, I do not have or own a 
> email list or the facilities to do a mass mailing . I used an 
> outsourcing to do a one time targeted promotion of my website to the 
> states of Wisconsin, and Illinois, which the out source did not do.To 
> my chagrin the outsource sent a mailing out world wide and very little 
> to the US.

While definitions of spam vary, unsolicited bulk email is one commonly
accepted meaning (neither "one time" nor "targeted" change that a thing is
any of "unsolicited", "bulk", or "email" -- and given that you say it was
sprayed all over the world, "targeted" doesn't apply in reality).

> However the content of the material sent out should be very clear to 
> the recipient that it was an invitation to that area to view my website, 
> which merchandizes nothing, no porn, no pills,no phoney pleas for 
> money, contains no cookies, or virus (unless the outsource inserted them 
> in which I doubt all he was was some poor smuck who thought he obtained 
> a good mailing list and was trying to make a buck) and contains proper 
> language. But instead offers comment which one may or may not agree 
> with. And the latter is the basis I believe is the basis for complaints 
> by some to disparage, and discredit, implying a faudulent activity 
> designed to prevent this websites publication.
> Unless your posting is not immediately removed

What posting?  Please point to it, or to a copy.  I really don't have a clue
as to what you're talking about.  As above, the spambayes website doesn't
post anything to anyone about anything.

> Further legal action is under active consideration

Nice to meet you too -- heh.

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