[Spambayes] Upgrade to 0.9 failure

Anders Eriksson anders.eriksson at morateknikutveckling.se
Mon Mar 15 03:27:53 EST 2004

Hello Tony, and the list!

> > I have just upgraded to Spambayes 0.9 and get an error when I start
> > Outlook.
> [...]
> > The error is:
> >
> > OUTLOOK.EXE - Entry point not found
> >
> > The procedure entry point
> > ?PyCom_SetAndLogCOMErrorFromPyException@@YAJPBDABU_GUID@@@Z
> > could not be
> > located in the dynamic link library pythoncom23.dll

> Is this 0.9 source or binary?  Have you tried re-downloading it
> just in case
> there is some weird problem with the file you downloaded (seems unlikely,
> but...)?

It's the binary version

I have just found the error!

I had ActivePython-2.3.2-232 installed and somehow it resulted in this
Once I uninstalled ActivePython, SpamBayes 0.9 work perfectly!!

I guess that SpamBayes is using a newer pythoncom32.dll than ActivePython
2.3.2-232 did. and that SpamBayes somehow found that dll before the one
distributed with SpamBayes.

Maybe this should be documented or changed so that SpamBayes allways uses
it's distributed dll's

Thank you for responding to my question and a BIIIIIG thank you to all that
develop SpamBayes! The time for handling Spam has reduced from 1 hour a day
to about 30 seconds!

// Anders

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