[Spambayes] Upgrade to 0.9 failure

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Sat Mar 13 03:22:24 EST 2004

> I have just upgraded to Spambayes 0.9 and get an error when I start
> Outlook.
> The error is:
> OUTLOOK.EXE - Entry point not found
> The procedure entry point
> ?PyCom_SetAndLogCOMErrorFromPyException@@YAJPBDABU_GUID@@@Z 
> could not be
> located in the dynamic link library pythoncom23.dll

This isn't something I've seen before.  I've been hoping that Mark would
answer this one, but he might have missed it.

Is this 0.9 source or binary?  Have you tried re-downloading it just in case
there is some weird problem with the file you downloaded (seems unlikely,

Otherwise all I can suggest is going back to 0.8 (let me know if you don't
have the installer and I can explain how to get to it, even though it's
hidden on the download page), and opening a bug report via sourceforge
<http://sf.net/projects/spambayes>, which means that Mark or someone else
with the appropriate expertise will look at it sooner or later.

=Tony Meyer

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