[Spambayes] curious happening this morning

Tim Peters tim.one at comcast.net
Thu Mar 11 11:46:07 EST 2004

[Clyde Hardacker]
> I checked my e-mail this morning and had a curious Occurance.
> The Junk Folder was moved to the deleted items folder and did
> not allow me to run spam bayes It gave me a warning box and said
> I needed to reconfigure the pro. It also happened on my friends
> computer the same error and message and the same fix needed to be
> applied.

This is what Outlook *normally* does if you happen to hit your Delete key
while the Junk folder is selected (Outlook moves the Junk folder then, to
become a subfolder under Deleted Items).  It happens to everyone sooner or
later.  You can use your mouse to drag the Junk folder back to your main

> I thought that this was inportant for you to know that there is
> someone out there trying to remove force out your great program.

I know you don't believe me, but before it happens another 10 times you'll
eventually catch yourself doing it to yourself <wink>.

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