[Spambayes] Errors when setting up IMAP folders to filter and train using the web interface

Joshua L Ross Joshua.Ross at intec.us
Wed Mar 3 14:33:17 EST 2004


Here are my details:
Suse 9.0
Spambayes 1.0a9
IMAP mail 
	--> not located in my home directory
Evolution 1.4 mail client

--Traceback and debug logging listed below--

	I am attempting to use the command "sb_imapfilter.py -b" to start the
web configuration for IMAP.  When I get into the configuration webpage I
am unable to "configure folders to filter" or "Configure folders to
train".  When I click on either of these links on the web configuration
screen I receive this error message:


500 Server error
Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/spambayes/Dibbler.py", line 461, in found_terminator
    getattr(plugin, name)(**params)

  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/spambayes/ImapUI.py", line 174, in onFilterfolders
    available_folders = self.imap.folder_list()

  File "./sb_imapfilter.py", line 285, in folder_list
    m = r.search(fol)

TypeError: expected string or buffer


I ran the "sb_imapfilter.py -b" with debugging "-i 4 -v" and I received
this output which I have shortened.  It apparently lists every file in
my home directory in this debug, so I didn't think that would be of
relevance, but maybe something else is?  The first section is when I
click "configure folder to filter" and the second is "Configure folders
to train"

###"configure folder to filter":

josh at uxjosh:/usr/local/spambayes/scripts> ./sb_imapfilter.py -b -i 4 -v  
SpamBayes IMAP Filter Version 0.2 (February 2004)
and engine SpamBayes Engine Version 0.3 (January 2004).

Loading state from /home/josh/.hammiedb database
/home/josh/.hammiedb is an existing database, with 1 spam and 1 ham
Loading database /home/josh/.hammiedb... Done.
User interface url is http://localhost:8880/
  22:41.41 > DGCB1 LOGIN josh ""
  22:41.48 < DGCB1 OK LOGIN completed
  22:41.48 > DGCB2 LIST "" *
  22:41.50 < * LIST (\NoInferiors \Marked) "/" 1
  22:41.50 < * LIST (\NoInferiors \Marked) "/" {1}
  22:41.50 read literal size 1
  22:41.50 < 
  22:41.50 < * LIST (\NoInferiors \Marked) "/" ld
  22:41.50 < * LIST (\NoInferiors \Marked) "/" ReadMe.txt
  22:41.50 < * LIST (\NoSelect) "/" bin
  22:41.50 < * LIST (\NoInferiors \UnMarked) "/" eal
  22:41.50 < * LIST (\NoSelect) "/" eps
  22:41.50 < * LIST (\NoSelect) "/" eps/bin
  22:41.50 < * LIST (\NoInferiors \Marked) "/" eps/bin/eps_utl
  22:41.50 < * LIST (\NoInferiors \Marked) "/" eps/bin/eps_record_viewer
  22:41.50 < * LIST (\NoSelect) "/" eps/lib
  22:41.50 < * LIST (\NoInferiors \Marked) "/" eps/lib/libeps.so
  22:41.50 < * LIST (\NoSelect) "/" eps/files
  22:41.50 < * LIST (\NoInferiors \Marked) "/" eps/files/startup.sh
  22:41.50 < * LIST (\NoSelect) "/" etc
  22:41.50 < * LIST (\NoInferiors \Marked) "/" etc/fstab
  22:41.50 < * LIST (\NoSelect) "/" php
  22:41.50 < * LIST (\NoInferiors \Marked) "/" php/freight.php
  22:41.50 < * LIST (\NoInferiors \Marked) "/" php/processorder2.php
  22:41.50 < * LIST (\NoInferiors \Marked) "/" php/processorder.php
  22:41.50 < * LIST (\NoInferiors \Marked) "/" php/orderform2.html
  22:41.50 < * LIST (\NoInferiors \Marked) "/" php/orderform.html
  22:41.50 < * LIST (\NoInferiors \UnMarked) "/" ssh
  22:42.28 < * LIST (\NoInferiors \Marked) "/" "Application_Kit_rev1/Application_Kit_rev1/ABFA Disclosure_rev1.doc"
  22:42.28 < * LIST (\NoInferiors \Marked) "/" "Application_Kit_rev1/Application_Kit_rev1/ABFA Tax Disclosure_rev1.doc"
  22:42.28 < * LIST (\NoInferiors \Marked) "/" openssh-3.7.1p1.tar.gz
  22:42.28 < * LIST (\NoSelect) "/" .emacs.d
  22:42.28 < * LIST (\NoSelect) "/" .emacs.d/auto-save-list
  22:42.28 < * LIST (\NoInferiors \UnMarked) "/" .emacs.d/auto-save-list/.saves-6857-bass.compgen.com~
  22:42.28 < * LIST (\NoInferiors \Marked) "/" second.py
  22:42.28 < * LIST (\NoInferiors \Marked) "/" SalaryReview.pps
  22:42.28 < * LIST (\NoSelect) "/" Newspammail
  22:42.28 < * LIST (\NoInferiors \Marked) "/" maggianos.ps
  22:42.28 < * LIST (\NoInferiors \Marked) "/" "Strategy Guide.html"
  22:42.29 < * LIST (\NoInferiors \Marked) "/" cgi_secure.dat.bscolombia
  22:42.29 < * LIST (\NoInferiors \Marked) "/" changes.txt
  22:42.29 < * LIST (\NoInferiors \UnMarked) "/" .hist_josh
  22:42.29 < * LIST (\NoInferiors \UnMarked) "/" cgi_start_server
  22:42.29 < * LIST (\NoInferiors) NIL INBOX
  22:42.29 < DGCB2 OK LIST completed

###"Configure folders to train":

  24:53.45 > DGCB3 LIST "" *
  24:53.48 < * LIST (\NoInferiors \Marked) "/" 1
  24:53.48 < * LIST (\NoInferiors \Marked) "/" {1}
  24:53.48 read literal size 1
  24:53.48 < 
  24:53.48 < * LIST (\NoInferiors \Marked) "/" ld
  24:53.48 < * LIST (\NoInferiors \Marked) "/" ReadMe.txt
  24:53.48 < * LIST (\NoSelect) "/" bin
  24:53.48 < * LIST (\NoInferiors \UnMarked) "/" eal
  24:53.48 < * LIST (\NoSelect) "/" eps
  24:53.48 < * LIST (\NoSelect) "/" eps/bin
  24:53.48 < * LIST (\NoInferiors \Marked) "/" eps/bin/eps_utl
  24:53.48 < * LIST (\NoInferiors \Marked) "/" eps/bin/eps_record_viewer
  24:53.48 < * LIST (\NoSelect) "/" eps/lib
  24:53.48 < * LIST (\NoInferiors \Marked) "/" eps/lib/libeps.so
  24:53.48 < * LIST (\NoSelect) "/" eps/files
  24:54.24 < * LIST (\NoSelect) "/" .emacs.d/auto-save-list
  24:54.24 < * LIST (\NoInferiors \UnMarked) "/" .emacs.d/auto-save-list/.saves-6857-bass.compgen.com~
  24:54.24 < * LIST (\NoInferiors \Marked) "/" second.py
  24:54.24 < * LIST (\NoInferiors \Marked) "/" SalaryReview.pps
  24:54.24 < * LIST (\NoSelect) "/" Newspammail
  24:54.24 < * LIST (\NoInferiors \Marked) "/" maggianos.ps
  24:54.24 < * LIST (\NoInferiors \Marked) "/" "Strategy Guide.html"
  24:54.24 < * LIST (\NoInferiors \Marked) "/" cgi_secure.dat.bscolombia
  24:54.24 < * LIST (\NoInferiors \Marked) "/" changes.txt
  24:54.24 < * LIST (\NoInferiors \UnMarked) "/" .hist_josh
  24:54.24 < * LIST (\NoInferiors \UnMarked) "/" cgi_start_server
  24:54.24 < * LIST (\NoInferiors) NIL INBOX
  24:54.24 < DGCB3 OK LIST completed


Any ideas on why I am failing to be able to configure the filter and
training folders?

--Joshua Ross

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