[Spambayes] faq

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Thu Jun 10 00:18:07 EDT 2004

> What sort of answer is this?
> 2.2   What clients will SpamBayes work with in general?
> SpamBayes will work with most POP3 or IMAP compatible
> clients. How you implement depends on your local
> architecture.

An accurate one?  <0.5 wink>.  I'm not sure what sort of answer you're
looking for here.  Certainly we're always happy to receive documentation (or
other) suggestions, if you've got some in mind...

> How I implement depends on my WHAT?!!?

Local architecture.  The operating system you're using, the mail client
you're using, the way in which you have set things up to receive mail, that
sort of thing.

> I have a POP3 account, and the reason im looking for
> plugins is that my outlook filters seem to be bouncing
> off emails recently, even ones where they ought to have
> been specifically eliminated with matching criteria.

By "outlook" do you mean "Outlook Express" (which you use later)?  If you
mean Outlook, then you can use the Outlook plug-in, and all is simple.  If
you mean Outlook Express, you can use sb_server (same installer), and all
will work, although it's not yet as simple.

> Another reason is that I keep getting emails from 'nbsp'
> with the ampersand, and outlook express is 100% unable
> to manage this, and so it shuts down contact with the
> server, and just gives me five to ten copies of my
> previously downloaded emails.

SpamBayes isn't going to help you with this at all.  What SpamBayes can do
is tag incoming mail as good/unsure/spam, based on training that you give
it.  (If you're able to program in Python, you could download the source and
patch sb_server to additionally do this).

> Also I deleted outlook because it seemed to be unable to
> use the email account information I entered to get my email.

Again, I'm not sure whether you mean Outlook or Outlook Express here.  Do
you mean that you used to use Outlook, but now use Outlook Express because
Outlook didn't work for you?  If so, then I'd highly recommend giving
Outlook another chance - it really is a much better program than OE
(probably why Microsoft charge for it, but give OE away for free...) and
you'll also get better SpamBayes integration.

If you mean that you uninstalled OE (I'm not even sure if you can do this
with Windows or not), then what are you planning to use for an email client?
Whatever it is, sb_server should work between it and your POP3 server.

=Tony Meyer

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