[Spambayes] sb_mboxtrain.py vs sb_xmlrpcserv.py

Jeff Epler jepler at unpythonic.net
Sun Jan 4 21:54:00 EST 2004

[spambayes 1.0a7, python 2.2.3, fedora core 1]

How should I properly train when running sb_xmlrpcserv.py?

I started off using database format (dbhash), and running sb_mboxtrain.py
while sb_xmlrpcserv.py was running.  After some length of time, training
would fail with a database error which I foolishly didn't record.  The
final line of the traceback was "bsddb.error: (22, 'Invalid argument')",
but the site of the exception was when accessing or updating a key---I
don't remember which---not opening the database as in

So I switched to Pickle format, but in glancing at the source I didn't see
any way for concurrent access by two spambayes processes to work right.
So now I kill xmlrpcserv, run mboxtrain, then restart xmlrpcserv.
This seems to work, except that mail that arrives while xmlrpcserv is
down is not scored.

What's the right way to do it?

Thanks for any advice,

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