[Spambayes] Outlook 2003 - can't access folders of other Mailbox accounts

Harold Vandeventer Harold.Vandeventer at dpra.com
Wed Dec 8 21:55:41 CET 2004

I, too, just ran into a similar problem.  In my case, a single Outlook client accesses 7 other mailboxes.

All mailboxes were moved to a new Exchange Server. (Outlook was closed during the move.)

Upon restarting Outlook, Spambayes will not process any folders.

I've installed SB 1.0.1.

Spambayes is enabled.

The Help | About Outlook, Disabled Items list is empty.

And like Brendon is seeing, I can't drill down on the other mailboxes to select their Inboxes for scanning.

I can browse the various folders via Outlook and mark messages for "Delete as Spam" successfully.

The "automatic filtering" simply won't start.

Harold Vandeventer
Network Administrator
DPRA Incorporated
200 Research Dr
Manhattan, KS 66503

Voice: (785) 539-3565 ext 1026
FAX: (785) 537-0272
From: spambayes-bounces at python.org [mailto:spambayes-bounces at python.org] On Behalf Of Brendon Lansdowne
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 2:33 PM
To: spambayes at python.org
Subject: [Spambayes] Outlook 2003 - can't access folders of other Mailbox accounts

I installed Outlook 2003 and now can't access my other Mailbox accounts in the Filter tab of Spambayes.  
I have a Mailbox for personal, and other for support. (Exchange allows you to display other Mail Boxes accounts in Outlook.)
That is I can't expand each Mail box (except the one I  am logged in as) to reveal the sub folder.  Also  Spambayes 1.01 won't let me select the top level stating that I must select a sub folder.
Previously with Outlook 2002 with I was able to nominate folders from other Mailboxes.  Now with with Outlook 2003 and using Spambayes 1.01 I can only filter my personal account that I am logged into.  Hence a lot of Spam now going to my other accounts.
Any suggestions welcomed :(
Best regards
Brendon Lansdowne 

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