[Spambayes] Outlook 2003 - can't access folders of other Mailbox accounts

Brendon Lansdowne brendonl at weblink.com.au
Wed Dec 8 21:32:53 CET 2004

I installed Outlook 2003 and now can't access my other Mailbox accounts
in the Filter tab of Spambayes.  
I have a Mailbox for personal, and other for support. (Exchange allows
you to display other Mail Boxes accounts in Outlook.)
That is I can't expand each Mail box (except the one I  am logged in as)
to reveal the sub folder.  Also  Spambayes 1.01 won't let me select the
top level stating that I must select a sub folder.
Previously with Outlook 2002 with I was able to nominate folders from
other Mailboxes.  Now with with Outlook 2003 and using Spambayes 1.01 I
can only filter my personal account that I am logged into.  Hence a lot
of Spam now going to my other accounts.
Any suggestions welcomed :(

Best regards
Brendon Lansdowne 

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