[Spambayes] addin won't load for this user

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Wed Apr 21 20:24:49 EDT 2004

> I am emailing your from a user whose SpamBytes addin
> will not load.  
> I have reinstalled twice with no luck.  
> I am attaching all logfiles from this user.

What do you mean by "will not load"?  The log files show that you've managed
to do training, and you've managed to successfully filter at least 5
messages.  That sounds like it's loading to me.

Did it once work and now doesn't?  (There's nothing in the logs to indicate
this).  Does something in particular not work?

Check to see if Outlook has disabled the plugin (this can happen with
Outlook 2002/XP and above):  From the Outlook Help menu, choose "About
Microsoft Outlook", then click "Disabled Items" and see if SpamBayes is
there (and re-enable it if it is).

=Tony Meyer

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