[Spambayes] weird error

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Wed Apr 21 20:21:35 EDT 2004

> At any rate, I tried installing the software on an NT 4 
> computer today with Outlook 2000 and the install went OK,
> but the Spam Bayes add-in doesn't get installed.  I went
> to the command line and tried to force register the DLL as
> described in the troubleshooting guide, but I get the following error.

There's some issue with installing on NT 4 machines, but I'm really not all
that clear on what it is, and I no longer have access to one to try things
out.  Hopefully Mark will have a burst through the bug reports soon and have
a crack at this.

The relevant bug report is:

[ 900703 ] still won't install

You can add details to that if you like (even just adding the fact that you
also have the problem is valuable information).

Things you can try:

 * Be sure that you're using the most recent version (1.0b1) of the
installer (you didn't say which version you were using).

 * There are apparently issues with some dll's on NT, although I don't
really know all the details.  This helped some people, but not everyone.
mcat_version_screwup> for more information.

=Tony Meyer

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