[Spambayes] HTML error on your Sourcefforge site?

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Sun Oct 12 20:35:12 EDT 2003

> Is there a HTML error on your Sourceforge site's 
> http://spambayes.sourceforge.net/docs.html > page? I have been 
> unsuccessfully clicking the "installing Spambayes" link 
> there, but the link seems to be broken/useless.

It appears that viewcvs at sourceforge is temporarily dead, at least for
some projects.  This is probably a consequence of the major cvs
maintenance/upgrade that sourceforge is doing at the moment.  It should be
fixed within the week; we don't really have any control over it, though
(although we could put a local copy up instead of the cvs one).

Note that this link is simply to a copy of the README.txt file that is
included with the source releases, so you can get it from there instead.  If
you want the most up-to-date version, then you could check it out with
anonymous cvs (I presume anon cvs is still working).

=Tony Meyer

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