[Spambayes] Error converting database to a pickle

Meyer, Tony T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz
Thu Oct 2 02:55:16 EDT 2003

> I have tried converting my existing database to a pickle
> as I don't really want to loose my training, but I get the following
> error :-
> C:\spambayes-1.0a6\scripts>sb_dbexpimp.py -e -D 
> message_info_database.db -f message.export
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "C:\spambayes-1.0a6\scripts\sb_dbexpimp.py", line 262, in ?
>     runExport(dbFN, useDBM, flatFN)
>   File "C:\spambayes-1.0a6\scripts\sb_dbexpimp.py", line 110, in
> runExport
>     words.remove(bayes.statekey)
> ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list

This is quite strange, because the db really should have that statekey
in there.  You could simply try removing that line from sb_dbexpimp.py
and looking at the file produced.  If it looks right (i.e. a '`'
separated file filled with lots of ham/spam counts), then keep going,
otherwise report back.

> I have also tried using the -d instead of -D, but that produced the
> following error :-
>     tempbayes = pickle.load(fp)
> EOFError

This is the expected error when trying to open a pickle as a dbm, as in
this case.  IOW, -D is right, even though it's opposite to the other
scripts (sigh).

=Tony Meyer

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