[Spambayes] Few quick questions!

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Wed Nov 19 17:09:05 EST 2003

> Although I know from the message below and from looking at 
> the FAQ's that S-B doesn't look at outbound mail and 
> therefore should not impact it, since installing S-B I have 
> experienced continuous problems send e-mail, particularly 
> those messages that contain attachments.

You're using the Outlook plug-in, right?  The plug-in definitely doesn't
touch your outgoing mail, but (if you're not using the plugin), depending on
how you have things set up, the other applications might be.

> It could be a 
> coincidence, but my intuition tells me otherwise. 

Intuition is often wrong <0.5 wink>.

> The error messages are primarily to do with timing out, can't 
> connect to the server. I have checked other machines on my 
> network that don't have S-B installed they have the same 
> Outlook settings and work correctly like my machine did pre S-B.

If you disable spambayes, does the problem go away?  If you uninstall, does
it go away?  (by "go away", I mean is it immediately fixed).  Are you using
any other plug-ins with Outlook?  I have seen reports of spambayes and other
plug-ins clashing, and if the other plug-in effects outgoing mail, that
could be a reason for the problem.

If you remain convinced that spambayes is at fault, please open a bug report
via the sourceforge system (<http://sf.net/projects/spambayes>), including
as much detail as possible (spambayes version, OS version, Outlook version,
exact error messages, spambayes log, ...).

=Tony Meyer

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