[Spambayes] Fun with Outlook 2003 Beta

Adam Walker adam.walker at rbwconsulting.com
Mon Jun 16 01:07:51 EDT 2003

Searching for "X-Spambayes-Classification: spam" works sometimes but fails
%40 of the time. Searching for "spam" in the headers works %100. Outlook's
rules are quirky.
I'll try the ini changes, but I hit on something else, I created a rule to
search for the word "ham" in the headers and stop processing if found
otherwise it continues to the other rules.

It response to Mark's comments, I've had the proxy service running for three
days now without any weird behavior. <shrugs>. And yes, I have MS Visual
Studio .NET, but it's not installed on this machine currently.


-----Original Message-----
From: Meyer, Tony [mailto:T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz] 
Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2003 9:34 PM
To: Adam Walker; spambayes at python.org

Apart from Mark's suggestions:

> * Outlook 2003 Beta allows the user to create rules based on 
> the contents on message headers, but not the header itself. 
> Meaning I have to make a rule that searches for "spam" in the 
> headers instead of
> "X-Spambayes-Classification: spam". This worked fine until I 
> joined this mailing list. It now filters all messages from 
> this list into my spam folder despite them being marked a ham.

Can you not have the rule search for "X-Spambayes-Classification: spam"?

As an alternative, you can set these options:
header_spam_string: spam
header_ham_string: ham
header_unsure_string: unsure

If you changed them to, for example, somethingunique-spam,
somethingunique-ham and somethingunique-unsure, then you could base the
rule on that.  Everything should still work the same.

=Tony Meyer

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