[Spambayes] Fun with Outlook 2003 Beta

Meyer, Tony T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz
Mon Jun 16 14:34:13 EDT 2003

Apart from Mark's suggestions:

> * Outlook 2003 Beta allows the user to create rules based on 
> the contents on message headers, but not the header itself. 
> Meaning I have to make a rule that searches for "spam" in the 
> headers instead of
> "X-Spambayes-Classification: spam". This worked fine until I 
> joined this mailing list. It now filters all messages from 
> this list into my spam folder despite them being marked a ham.

Can you not have the rule search for "X-Spambayes-Classification: spam"?

As an alternative, you can set these options:
header_spam_string: spam
header_ham_string: ham
header_unsure_string: unsure

If you changed them to, for example, somethingunique-spam,
somethingunique-ham and somethingunique-unsure, then you could base the
rule on that.  Everything should still work the same.

=Tony Meyer

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