[Spambayes] a question about bayes approach

Meyer, Tony T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz
Sat Jul 26 10:28:27 EDT 2003

> I am a pre-graduate in technical university of greece and i 
> am looking for a bayessian approach in image fusion.
> i have found your very interesting web page and i will be 
> very grateful if you can help me (with papers and code in c) 
> to continue my private experiment. my work is not for publication

What sort of help?  Since you found the webpage, I presume you read the
background information page, and the links to the other papers?  You can
certainly use the spambayes code for non-spam purposes (see the archives
for information about people who have done this).

Note that spambayes is not coded in c (I'm fairly sure that this is
pointed out on the website somewhere), but in Python.  You could
certainly translate the Python code to C (or just give up using C and
use Python ;), but this is not at all the right place to be asking for
help writing C code.

Note also that spambayes is not, technically, Bayesian (as I understand
it), but similar.  Realistically, if you want technical
information/papers about Bayesian techniques, you're probably better off
with a good textbook or articles (see http://www.researchindex.com, for

=Tony Meyer

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