[Spambayes] Oh good!

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Mon Dec 15 19:11:22 EST 2003

> That begs the question, do most SB/Python scripts need that path set? 

When a Python script tries to import a module it looks in certain places
(the docs have the gory details).  Adding to the envar PYTHONPATH adds to
those places that are searched.  So if the module is already somewhere it
will be found (the Python Lib directory, for example), then it's not
necessary.  If it's not going to be found, then it will need to be set.

If you've run "setup.py install" with a package, you can almost certainly
not worry about the PYTHONPATH.  If you haven't, then you may need to.

Does that help?

=Tony Meyer

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