[Spambayes] Background, Delay between processing items

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Mon Dec 15 19:05:10 EST 2003

> SpamBayes Manager, Advanced, Background, Filter timer, Enable 
> background
> filtering, Delay between processing items.  I see the help 
> for this item, but
> still wonder about the purpose.

The purpose is to avoid conflict with Outlook's own rules, by ensuring that
we run *after* all the Outlook rules finish.  If you don't have a problem
with the rules conflicting, then you can happily disable the background
filtering.  If you do, you can still play around with different values (you
could try 0.1 seconds, for example) and see how that goes.  The only problem
that you might run into is having SpamBayes filter mail before Outlook has a
chance to get it's hand on it.

=Tony Meyer

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