[Spambayes] Petty "Bug" Found

Trainor, John John.Trainor at aaronrents.com
Mon Aug 4 11:17:15 EDT 2003

I hesitate to mention this, but I figured it would not hurt in case it was
misleading to others.  There is a typo in the document "about.html".  The
word "Unsure" is spelled "Usure" on what is for me, line 120 of "C:\Program
Files\Spambayes Outlook Addin\about.html".

Once again, this is not a big deal, but I figured it was worth noting.

My OS: Windows 2000
My Version:  SpamBayes Outlook Addin (beta), Binary version 0.6 (July 29,
2003) from install file SpamBayes-Outlook-Setup-006.exe
My Log Files:  [no log file needed]



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