[Spambayes] Re: Outlook plugin plus Exchange

Mark Hammond mhammond@skippinet.com.au
Tue Nov 12 11:00:06 2002

[Tim Stone quoting Paul Moore]
> >sufficiently complex that it's *likely* to get broken. (Not that MS
> >can't break anything - Outlook.NET probably won't even have a COM
> >addin interface...)
> Yup.... 'xactly what I was thinkin.  We'll have to maintain at least two
> versions of the plugin for some time to come, if not ad-infinitum.

This is unlikely for some time I believe.  MS don't piss-off the people
required to generate their revenue (ie, corporates etc,) and as a rule go to
huge pains to make software backward compatible.  Windows is Windows for
this reason, not because anyone wants it this way <wink>.  We may end up
with optimizations for later versions, but that is a different question.


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