[Spambayes] Re: Outlook plugin plus Exchange

Tim Stone - Four Stones Expressions tim@fourstonesExpressions.com
Tue Nov 12 09:45:26 2002

11/12/2002 3:39:27 AM, "Moore, Paul" <Paul.Moore@atosorigin.com> wrote:

>From: Tim Stone - Four Stones Expressions
>> The whole problem I see with this is that µ$0pht could and most
>> likely will screw all these machinations up with the next release of
>> Outlook or Exchange... They have this great history of not caring
>> if their api changes, or system behavior changes, are backward
>> compatible. If we're having this level of difficulty now, get
>> ready... :(
>But if we stick to a pretty trivial "On startup" hook which scans all
>new mail, along with a "New mail arrived" hook which filters mail as
>it arrives, then (1) we're covered, and (2) we aren't doing anything
>sufficiently complex that it's *likely* to get broken. (Not that MS
>can't break anything - Outlook.NET probably won't even have a COM
>addin interface...)

Yup.... 'xactly what I was thinkin.  We'll have to maintain at least two 
versions of the plugin for some time to come, if not ad-infinitum.

- TimS

- Tim

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