[spambayes-dev] [Spambayes] Outlook express

skip at pobox.com skip at pobox.com
Mon Dec 8 02:46:31 CET 2008

    >> The "Outlook Express" question seems to pop up a lot.  And to be
    >> honest, the website is a bit confusing for muggles.

    >> I am learning myself to build websites with Drupal and I'm looking
    >> for a project to get some experience. I think I may have some spare
    >> time in the upcoming weeks. Is it OK if I try to make a concept for a
    >> new Spambayes website, in Drupal?

    Mark> I know nothing about Drupal, but my only real concerns would be
    Mark> that the website remains text based in CVS/SVN, and that we need
    Mark> not rely on an individual's web server (ie, ideally the site can
    Mark> still be served by sourceforge or any other "vanilla" http server.
    Mark> Apart from that, I'd be happy to be an improved site.

I agree with Mark.  I have no objection has long as I can contribute content
with minimal or no extra software installed on my computer or mastered on my
part.  Authoring in ReStructuredText would be great.  (Easy to read the
source as well as the output.)  Ideally, the website would be updated
automatically as a side effect of Subversion checkin.  This scheme works
well for the python.org website.


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