[spambayes-dev] pop3proxy binaries

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Thu Aug 28 21:48:32 EDT 2003

I pretty much have py2exe and SpamBayes working together.  The new py2exe
code I am helping with allows us to create a binary distribution for Windows
with a .zip file containing *all* Python code, and and arbitrary number of
executables which share this .zip for their Python library.  Thus, each new
.exe/.dll is <30k, meaning we can have as many as we like :)  I have a .dll
for Outlook, and a "windows" and a "service" exe for pop3proxy - and single
installation .exe that detects if Outlook is installed and does "the right
thing" would be almost trivial.  I expect to check in my scripts etc soon.

However, this does have an impact on pop3proxy, in terms of "out of the box"
setup.  Off the top of my head:
* We should ensure only 1 proxy is running on the machine (ie, prevent
starting either the service or the .exe twice)
* We should think about where the databases are stored (the "program files"
directory where we install is probably not appropriate - but a "per user"
database directory makes no sense for a .exe
* Consider a "start_pop3proxy" program that "does the right thing" depending
on the platform and configuration.  Eg, it could start the correct program
(service if not running but installed, standard exe otherwise) and fire the
browser to the config URL if it detects it is unconfigured etc.
* other stuff :)

FWIW, we could detect a "binary build" by checking is sys.frozen exists.  If
it does, we can also assume the win32all extensions are available - eg, we
could check for a single instance by using a global, named Mutex, etc.  I am
willing to help out significantly, but I am unable to "drive" anything, as I
don't own it, and don't want to.

Does this interest anyone enough to take it on with me?

At-your-service <wink> ly,


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