[spambayes-dev] Dialog Hacking

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Fri Aug 15 01:23:22 EDT 2003

>>>>> "Tys" == Tys von Gaza <tys at tvg.ca> writes:

    Skip> I would only check stuff in which can be directly used (jpeg, png,
    Skip> bmp are okay).  I have no idea what tools I might have at my
    Skip> disposal to manipulate Paint Shop Pro format images.

    Tys> Can't do any easy editing to a jpeg, png, bmp though.  It would be
    Tys> like checking in a binary with no source files.  The PSP or PSD are
    Tys> like the source files where it is much easier to make graphical
    Tys> changes, imho it would be a good idea to include them.

What are we checking in, images for websites or layers for people to edit?
It's been awhile since I used Gimp, but it has a native format as well and
has the added benefit of being open source and very widely available.  (I
have it on my Mac even.)


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