[Soap-Python] suds and soaplib without internet access

Antoni Aloy subscripcions at trespams.com
Tue Jun 28 00:37:22 CEST 2011

El dl 27 de 06 de 2011 a les 17:05 +0200, en/na Remi Jolin va escriure:
> Le 27/06/2011 16:23, Aymeric Augustin a écrit :
> > On 25 juin 2011, at 23:35, Remi Jolin wrote:
> >> I've tried the following bind and it seems to work ok for me.
> >>
> >> sxbasic.Import.bind('http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema', None)
> >>
> >> If it not supposed to be fetched, as stateed in the w3c blog article, it should
> >> be ok not getting it at all... What do you think about that ?
I have quite the same, and strange problem. There is no problem to use a
wsdl when I'm on local, but when I put the code on the production server
I get an error on downloading the schema from w3.org.

I have a workarround to the problem caching the local wsdl and uploading
the cache to the production server, but I can't understant why it goes
to w3.org as the schema itself has not changed in years and it could be
part of the souds itself.

I have tried to avoid the download using the bind trick but without
success, even specifiying the location as file or a production server.
In any case it tries to download from w3.org and gives an error.

The workarround solves in part the problem, and having a large cache
helps, but it's a strange b

Antoni Aloy López

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