[SciPy-User] Install Scipy with Anaconda's MKL libraries

David Hagen david at drhagen.com
Mon May 15 20:48:03 EDT 2017

> It looks like you have multiple numpy versions installed. Did you
uninstall numpy, scipy with both pip and conda before building and
installing numpy and scipy from source? I presume that you also built numpy
from clean source without cache?

I have numpy installed in a separate conda environment because I don't want
to lose my production environment while playing with Numpy and Scipy
master. I got this error after creating a fresh conda environment,
activating it, conda installing python and cython in it, and then running
setup.py on freshly downloaded numpy and scipy master folders. How can I
check if my other Numpy copies are visible in the search path for modules?
Is there a command I can run to diagnose the version compatibility of the
numpy and scipy modules that are imported and where they are located?
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