[SciPy-User] scipy.cluster : linkagematrix to tree

almugabo at googlemail.com almugabo at googlemail.com
Thu Nov 14 01:17:36 EST 2013

(I posted this to stackoverflow but a friend thought that this is best place to look for help for scipy specific issue) 

I am struggling to transform results of a hierarchical clusterring in a json format 

Here my code : 

import pandas as pd import scipy.spatialimport scipy.cluster

d = {'employee' : ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'],
 'skillX': [2,8,3,6,8,10],
 'skillY': [8,15,6,9,7,10]}

d1 = pd.DataFrame(d)

distMat = xPairWiseDist = scipy.spatial.distance.pdist(np.array(d1[['skillX', 'skillY']]), 'euclidean')
clusters = scipy.cluster.hierarchy.linkage(distMat, method='single')
dendo  = scipy.cluster.hierarchy.dendrogram(clusters, labels = list(d1.employee), orientation = 'right')


my question : 
how to transform the linkage matrix in json format that d3.js understands 

{'name': 'Root1’, 
      'children':[{'name' : 'B'},
                  {'name': 'E-D-F-C-A',
                           'children' : [{'name': 'C-A',
                                         'children' : {'name': 'A'}, 
                                                      {'name' : 'C'}]

I understand this is what the totree method is for but could not find any example which will help me to understand it (despite the excellent documentation). 

I get so far 
a = scipy.cluster.hierarchy.to_tree(clusters , rd=True)for x in a[1]:
 #print x.get_id()
 if x.is_leaf() != True :
     print  x.get_left().get_id(), x.get_right().get_id(), x.get_count()

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