[SciPy-User] ANN: Pyzo distro 2013b

Jerry lanceboyle at qwest.net
Tue Mar 19 03:02:20 EDT 2013

On Mar 18, 2013, at 3:56 AM, Almar Klein wrote:

> Pyzo crashed on OS X 10.7.5 in under three minutes while trying to run a hello world program.
> I just found: "Mac OS X 10.7 "Lion" was the first version of OS X to drop support for 32-bit Intel processors and run exclusively on 64-bit Intel CPUs." 
> So, I'm sorry, but you'll have to wait for the next release.
> The reason that the binaries are 32 bit is that I forgot to make the VM 64bit when I created it. Woops. I only found out much later (after all the hard work of setting up the machine was done). So the blame's on me.
> - Almar

Thanks for looking into this.
>> Dear all,
>> We're pleased to announce release 2013b of Pyzo distro, a Python distribution for scientific computing based on Python 3. For more information, and to give it a try, visit http://www.pyzo.org.
>> The most notable changes since the last release:
>> Pyzo is also build for Mac.
>> Python 3.3 is now used.
>> Added an executable to launch IPython notebook.
>> New versions of several packages, including the IDE.
>> More information:
>> Pyzo is available for Windows, Mac and Linux. The distribution is portable, thus providing a way to install a scientific Python stack on computers without the need for admin rights.
>> Naturally, Pyzo distro is complient with the scipy-stack, and comes with additional packages such as scikit-image and scikit-learn.
>> With Pyzo we want to make scientific computing in Python easier accessible. We especially hope to make it easier for newcomers (such as Matlab converts) to join our awesome community. Pyzo uses  IEP as the default front-end IDE, and IPython (with notebook) is also available.
>> Happy coding,
>>   Almar
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> Almar Klein, PhD
> Science Applied
> phone: +31 6 19268652
> e-mail: a.klein at science-applied.nl
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