[SciPy-User] superpack installation

Gary Pajer gary.pajer at gmail.com
Sun Sep 27 12:32:28 EDT 2009

It's been a while since I updated scipy.  Today was the day.  WinXP

I had numpy 1.1.1, so I upgraded to 1.3
I had matplotlib 0.91, so I upgraded to 0.99

Then I went to the scipy download page, and saw only a superpack installer
... no stand alone scipy installer.  Well, I don't need PyMC, and I already
had updated numpy and matplotlib ...   I ended up running the superpack, but
I ended up with numpy 1.1.1 and matplotlib 0.91.    I do have a mix of
easy_installed eggs and installer-installed packages on my system ... not
sure that was the issue ... at any rate it took a little (~15 minutes) time
to straighten everything out.

Question:  is there a WinXP installer that will install *only* scipy?

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