[SciPy-User] ANN: new google group: pystatsmodels

Skipper Seabold jsseabold at gmail.com
Mon Sep 7 14:38:04 EDT 2009

On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 2:27 PM, Tim
Michelsen<timmichelsen at gmx-topmail.de> wrote:
>> Anyone interested, is welcome to join us at
>> http://groups.google.ca/group/pystatsmodels/topics?hl=en
> Cool.
> Will this be restricted to statsmodel only or can general statistical
> matters related to scipy discussed there. too?

My $.02.  Mostly right now, we are only discussing design issues for
statsmodels and not statistical issues (though of course this will
come up while we're extending the models).  Perhaps statistical issues
related to the existing statsmodels code and scipy are best discussed
on scipy-user, but questions about development of and extending
statistics and models in statsmodels would be appropriately discussed
there?  We just didn't want to post all day to scipy-user about the
use of decorators in the model results classes for our scikit for

I wouldn't be against discussing statistical issues there, but they're
probably best kept on the scipy list to take advantage of everyone's


> Would you please add the list to Gmane?

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