[SciPy-user] FITS images with header-supplied axes?

Eric Emsellem emsellem at obs.univ-lyon1.fr
Sat Mar 29 14:35:05 EDT 2008


if you find a solution, please let me know. On my side I had to rewrite some
dummy routines to use the CRVAL/CDELT/NAXIS etc headers to do the axes plotting.
I am using "extent=", to have a direct access to the coordinates in the plotting
(imshow). But of course you first have to use the figure size, and then adapt
the format (with some basic calculation) of your image/plot so that the pixels
follow the right axis ratio.


>  Is there any plotting routine in scipy / matplotlib that can plot a
>  fits image with correct WCS coordinates on the axes?  I know pyfits
>  can load fits files, astLib has routines to interpret header
>  coordinates, and I think you can make the axes different using
>  matplotlib transforms, but is there anything that puts all three
>  together currently available?
>  Thanks,
>  Adam

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