[SciPy-user] Pymachine - PyMC interoperability

Jarrod Millman millman at berkeley.edu
Tue May 22 04:44:37 EDT 2007

On 5/22/07, David Cournapeau <david at ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp> wrote:
> Anand Patil wrote:
> > David and co.,
> >
> > In the nascent 2.0 release of PyMC, we're trying to separate declaration
> > of probability models from the classes that do the actual fitting. We're
> > wondering whether the PyMachine developers would be willing to keep to a
> > similar design for methods that are explicitly based on probability
> > models for the sake of interoperability.
> Hi PyMC developers,
>     Interoperability is always good :) I have never really used PyMC [....]

Hey Anand,

I am mentoring David's SoC project and just want to agree with you
both that it would be great to ensure interoperability.  Would you be
interested in integrating PyMC into Scipy and/or Scikits?


Jarrod Millman
Computational Infrastructure for Research Labs
10 Giannini Hall, UC Berkeley
phone: 510.643.4014

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