[SciPy-user] help finding Matlab equivalent

Trevis Crane t_crane at mrl.uiuc.edu
Fri May 18 16:40:37 EDT 2007



In programming in Matlab, I often used expressions such as this:


a = 200:100:1000;


This gives


a = [200,300,400,...1000]


What's the best way to accomplish the same task with scipy/numpy?  I can
use linspace, but it's a little awkward.  For example, in order to get
the same value for a I have to do this:


import scipy

a = scipy.linspace(200,1000,(1000-200)/100 + 1)




a  = [200,300,400...1000]


Is there a more efficient/readable way to do this?







Trevis Crane

Postdoctoral Research Assoc.

Department of Physics

University of Ilinois

1110 W. Green St.

Urbana, IL 61801


p: 217-244-8652

f: 217-244-2278

e: tcrane at uiuc.edu



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